Gardens, Totems, & Dragons

Back in December, I gave you a sneak peek at a game prototype about space dragons. This month, I offer you a chance to test drive it for the first time.

Current Experience

  • Exploration & Interaction
  • Bond with a space dragon
  • Soar among the stars
  • Achieve things through teamwork

Island Redesign

Since the first look, I’ve started from scratch on a new island design. It is only boxed out and not terribly nice to look at, but it represents a path of exploration I think players would enjoy.

First you start up on what seems like might be an artificial structure that leads down to a platform with some odd looking features. The pointy thing is what I refer to as a totem. You can activate it. The boxy thing is what I refer to as a pedestal. It is possible to place a small item here.

Head further down the path and you enter a tiered garden. It is darker down here under the branching structure above. And it is your way onto a steep path upwards.

Follow the steep path and you find yourself on another artificial structure that feels built into a natural pyramid that rises to the highest point of the island, almost like a mini-mountain. This gives you a great view of almost everything.

In fact, this is your best first glimpse of the dragon which likes to roost out of reach of any of the regular paths someone like you might take. I’m sure this offers some peace and quiet, as well as a great view of the stars.

Deeper Exploration

You will find, as you explore the various paths, that many more of those pointy totems decorate the landscape in places you can walk up to but also in places you cannot.

After more exploration, you can find the Deep Garden which lies within the island’s large cave. Strange glowing fruit trees can be found here. You can pick the fruit, walk around with it, eat it. What else can you do with it?

From here, it is up to the adventurer to discover the mysteries of the island, but can I recommend you find a way to befriend the dragon, because if you do, you will have the opportunity to take flight.

Dramatic Atmosphere

Hopefully, you will enjoy the look and feel of this mystical island in space despite the primitive nature of the geometry and general lack of detail. After the example gameplay was ready to share, I spent some time dressing things up with dramatic lighting. I even managed what feels like volumetric clouds or an uneven fog with a single particle system and a lot of experimentation.

I tossed in a little background music because silence is not always golden. This piece wasn’t created for the game, but I had it on hand and it felt suitable. You can preview it here and might recognize it from a recent post about ambient music projects.

Ready Dragon One

Those who are eager to dive into this new experience early on are invited to download the yet untitled space dragon game for free. I have provided opportunities for exploration, interaction, a way to bond with a space dragon, a chance to soar among the stars, and a small example of achievement that requires teamwork.

Please leave me your feedback on this game concept, whether you try it yourself or not, although those who try it will certainly have the kind of feedback I’m interested in most.

Your input…

Does this look like a game you’d like to play?

One thought on “Gardens, Totems, & Dragons

  1. This is fun! Just a few moments in, and I am making discoveries. As a prototype, it’s missing some things, but even just walking around to explore is fun.

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