New Year, New Projects

I’m back. It’s only days after the new year and I’m firing up a new, empty game project to begin what I intend to be a series of prototypes. My goal is to find something new for my game studio to publish. I expect I’ll need to try a bunch of things to see what game I want to make, what game people want to play, and what would actually make some money for the studio. Hopefully, those three things find some overlap.

My hope is to also begin work on other types of projects, such as new music and rad neon graphics. For the latter, I’m currently looking into a new toolset, but for that I might need to make some more fundamental system changes. I have my eye on something in particular, but need to learn a few new tricks first. In the meantime, I might try to fire up new music and new graphics nonetheless.

There is also a plan to establish a better home base here online for those who wish to follow my creative journey. That means some changes to this website right here and how often I talk about what I’m up to, which is the reason I’m writing this right now as I wait for a never before used version of Unity to load up. Oh wait, it’s already loaded and waiting for me, so I better go take care of making some games now.

I appreciate you reading this! And I hope you’ll stick around to see what happens next. Happy new year and may you have success as you step forward into new things.

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