Game Sandbox Concept
I’m on a mission to find the next big game project for Cosmic Misfit Studio to publish. (REVO was the first game, if you didn’t already know.) Right now, that means I test out a lot of ideas. Some of those ideas you can play on your home computer or laptop for free with a simple download. (Windows, Linux, and occasionally Mac are supported.)
Each of these little game experiments for the past couple years has been bundled into what I like to call a sandbox. The latest is named Prototype Sandbox 2025. This is essentially several games rolled up into one for my convenience and yours. It eases my process when I want to quickly start a new prototype and it eases your process when you want to try a few of them.
January Prototype
I started this year’s game work right away in January with a cooking system I’ve nicknamed Crafty Cooker. It isn’t too pretty to look at as it’s just a bunch of boxes with the names of food items written on them, but if you combine them just so, you can test the crafting feature. It is heavily inspired by how meals are prepared in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild.

February Prototype
For the past month, I built a second prototype, so I’m 2 for 2 with monthly updates! The new prototype is nicknamed City Crusher and it’s action oriented, though still very basic. You play as a giant Godzilla-inspired monster surrounded by city buildings just begging to be destroyed. You can smash them and you can set them on fire. It’s based on an idea I had way back in 2014 just a few months before I officially started my game studio.

Broken Things
If you don’t like playing with broken things, you might want to skip this for now. There is no trace of audio, no sound effects or music, and there really isn’t any clearly stated gameplay goal to either prototype, but both of those things are planned to change in future updates as the year progresses. I’d also love to add a new prototype each month through the end of the year.
On the other hand, if you just can’t get enough of broken things, I have a nice collection of them going, all freely downloadable, in past Prototype Sandbox collections from 2023 and 2024, but also in several standalone games. I can highly recommend several of them: Abyss, Exo Diver, Random Access Memory, Sliderpunk, and Blockship.
If you think one of these games ought to be the next big game for my studio, please let me know! I’m open to all kinds of feedback and would love to hear what you think of any prototype or older game I worked on. Just leave a comment right here or reach out in any other way you find convenient.